Ian's blog
Jul 4 2022

How to prevent CLS in Hugo

"What is Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and why does it matter?" This is probably my favorite example.

3:13 AM · Apr 13, 2022

Preventing CLS requires setting explicit width and height attributes on all pictures. Here are the steps I took to optimize the images in hugo using the render hooks feature.

  1. Get the raw image data from a URL
  2. Decode the image data
  3. If available, set the width & height attributes
  4. Otherwise, fallback to the default template without the attributes

Here’s the complete code snippet.

<!-- layouts/_default/_markup/render-image.html -->
{{ $alt := .Text }}
{{ $src := .Destination }}
<!-- Load & decode image -->
{{ $img := os.ReadFile $src | resources.FromString $src }}

{{/* Set Dimensions on Raster Images */}}
{{ if ne $img.MediaType.SubType "svg" }}
    alt="{{ $alt }}"
    src="{{ $src | safeURL }}"
    width="{{ $img.Width }}"
    height="{{ $img.Height }}"
{{ end }}

{{/* Svgs & Images that failed to load */}}
{{ if or (not $img) (eq $img.MediaType.SubType "svg") }}
  <img src="{{ $src | safeURL }}" alt="{{ $alt }}" />
{{ end }}

For this render hook to work, images must be stored in the /img folder relative to the project root with this configuration file.

# config.yaml
    - source: static
      target: static
    - source: img
      target: static/img

Further development